Paul and Kristi Yamilkoski


Praise him in the rain! As Noah’s parents, we live by Noah’s life philosophy to forever praise God even through the rain. For at the end of every storm there is a rainbow reminding us all of God’s promises.
We moved to Lakeland, Florida in 2015 after living in the Center Point, Iowa area for almost twenty years.
Paul works with Heartland Credit as a Regional Sales Manager and Kristi works for Lakeland Regional Health Systems as a Director of Information Services.
The focus our life is our faith, family, and friends. Noah was our middle child and only son. We have two daughters, Tori and Tiffany. Tori and her husband, Vince have two adorable children, Noah and Jocelyn. We love taking advantage the beautiful Florida sunshine with visits to the beach and annual Disney passes!
Our Noah was such an amazing young man and we remember his beautiful smile and curly red locks every day. His courage and strength keep us going. Noah’s Rainbow was created to let his love and passion for helping other live on.

But, many people didn’t believe the “Kissing Girls” star, it offended her so much that Ashley published a letter in which she accused everyone who wonders if she has had plastic surgery of being sexist. Because, in her opinion, these people still think that women only think about their beauty. Another plastic surgery victim? The face of Ashley Judd, who once again turned to surgeons, is barely recognizable. Everyone seemed to have already forgotten about the situation, but suspicion fell on Judd again when she appeared at a Time’s Up event during the Tribeca Film Festival on April 28. Another plastic surgery victim? Ashley Judd’s face, which Dove Cameron 2023 once again turned to surgeons, is barely recognizable. For the event, the brunette chose a lightweight long purple dress with a shallow beige pattern and white sandals. In this outfit, the figure of the actress looked stunning, but there were obvious problems with the face. krauzer noticed that the face was puffy and the skin looked heavily stretched, especially it was noticeable when the actress was not smiling. So the woman spent most of the evening with a smile on her face.
